Blogs by Truck Drivers
- The Adventures in Trucking blog is published by Wayne and Cindy, a husband and wife truck driving team. This blog details what it's like to have the opportunity to drive around the United States for a living. The Web site focuses on the travel aspect of trucking, and includes photos and stories about the places the pair gets to travel.
- Life on the Road, a Blogspot blog, is written by Chris, a 20-something trucker based in California who drives the 18 western states on two-week runs. The blog includes beautiful photographs of many of the sights the publisher enjoys along his route, and also features brief articles about his trucking adventures.
- Jean Catudal's Blog on Trucking shares insights on the truck driving life, presented from the perspective of a Canadian truck driver with extensive driving experience. Parts of the blog are published in French, and others are written in English.
- The Trucking Life is written by professional trucker James Binford, who is based in Seattle, Washington. The blog's motto is for truckers by a trucker, and includes a wide variety of information of interest to truckers and other people interested in learning more about life on the road.
- Trucking Life is published on Blogspot by professional truck driver Lyndon Lomanovskis from Alberta, Canada. The blog includes photographs depicting life on the road, as well as articles about driving and the areas through which the writer travels.
- The World of the Truck Driver blog is published by professional driver Dick Lower, who has more than 40 years of experience in the industry. Articles posted to the blog cover various topics related to truck driving, including facts about working in the field, how to become a driver, and information about jobs in the industry.

Blogs and Resources
- CB Radio Magazine (http://www.cbradiomagazine.com/)
Articles and special features for the CB radio hobby - Extreme Truckers Show (http://extremetruckers.us/)
Live radio talk show for truckers - Fleet Directory (http://www.fleetdirectory.com)
Online directory of trucking, transport, logistics, and industry-related web sites - Gonzo Trucker (http://www.gonzotrucker.com/)
Trucker blog, articles and relevant news items - Leonard’s Guide (http://www.leonardsguide.com/)
Leading provider of print and online freight shipping directories - Let’s Truck (http://letstruck.com/)
An online meeting place for truckers and their families - Life as a Trucker (http://www.lifeasatrucker.com)
What to expect as a driver in the job, the company and at home. Welcome to the Trucking Lifestyle! - Life on the Road (http://www.lifeontheroad.com/)
Stories, thoughts, and opinions from professional truckers - Money Saving Tips for Truckers (http://www.truck-drivers-money-saving-tips.com/)
Money saving tips for financially savvy professional truck drivers - On The Big Road (http://www.truck-writer.com/)
Author of “On the Big Road”, helps new drivers make the transition into the lifestyle of Trucking - Pro Trucker (http://www.protruckeronline.com/)
Free, professional truck driver's internet resource for top headlines and issues in the trucking industry - Red Eye Radio (http://www.midnighttrucking.com/)
Nationally syndicated radio program focused on the needs of the trucking industry in the United States - The Daily Rant (http://www.salenalettera.com/)
The longest running daily blog in the WORLD written by a female truck driver - The Trucker’s Voice (http://www.thetruckersvoice.net/)
Grassroots online trucker community and article site - Truck Driver (http://www.truckdriver.com)
Connecting fleet operators and truckers: job listings, resources, and more - Truck Driving Jobs (http://www.classadrivers.com/)
Lists truck driving jobs with the best trucking companies Nationwide - Trucker Country (http://www.truckercountry.com/)
CDL schools, resources, jobs and advice for truckers - Truckers Tablet GPS (http://www.truckerstablet.com/)
The Truckers Tablet combines a 7 inch tablet PC with truck GPS navigation in one convenient easy to use product. - Truckers Logic (http://truckerslogic.com)
Truckers Logic provides truck driving training to all levels of truck drivers.

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