This Homepage I have Created and opened , and hope that alot of Truck Drivers Around the World will meet and visit our page ,so if you like Trucks ,you can spread the word to all your friends around the World..So you can meet young and old drivers around the World.

This Homepage was opened in Germany on the 08.10.2014.
Welcome all friends and tell your friends about our Website.
and Hopeing to see you soon.
Greetings from the Team and Andreas Dezius,the Designer and layout of this Homepage.
This Homepage has a copyright till 2018 and belongs to the Truck Drivers World wide Team and Friends.

My Job my Family
Sie interessieren sich für Showtrucks? LKWs sind Ihr Hobby? Sie verdienen mit Lastwagen Ihren Lebensunterhalt?
Dann sind Sie hier genau richtig!

Peterbilt |
Volvo Truck |
Western Star |
International |
Freightliner |
Kenworth |
Pickup Truck |
Mack Truck |