CarSoup is a resource for new and used vehicles found around the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. There is also a private sale section for individuals selling their vehicles.
The largest source of new and used cars on the internet. Over 4,700 dealers plus private listings.
This is the most comprehensive LKQ parts locator site we have found on the internet. |
N.A.D.A.'s site allows you to obtain the value of vehicles, find dealerships, or order the latest Official Guides.
Trader Online is from the producers of Auto Trader and other well-known Trader magazines. This site has listings of cars, classic cars, SUVs, motorcycles, watercraft, RVs, aircraft, and Heavy Equipment for sale by dealerships and private sellers.
Truck paper lists all types of heavy trucks and trailers for sale by dealers or independent sellers.
Autobytel is a resource of new and pre-owned vehicles around the United States and also has several other features for new and used car buying.
Kelley Blue Book is similar to N.A.D.A.. They are another resource for approximate retail or trade-in values for vehicles.
Pace Buyers Guide has been around for 25 years, helping people with new and used car prices. This site has several pages relating to purchasing a vehicle including test drive reviews and leasing tips.
Mitchell International's UltraMate © is the estimating program that we use for motorized vehicle collision damage. They also have a wide variety of products relating to collision damage including assemblies time guides, vehicle valuation, and products for digital imaging.
Beockh Claims System (BCS) © is the computer program that we use for estimating property losses. It is becoming the standard for loss estimating systems for field adjusters.
Minneapolis Star Tribune newspaper has hundreds of listings of used automobiles, motorcycles, watercraft, and other types of transportation related items.
Google search engine
Claimspage is a massive link site dedicated strictly to insurance. |
Microsoft's auto pages. Search around the country for new and used cars for sale by dealers. It also has several other sections on everything for automobiles.